Tuesday, 24 January 2012


This Renaissance border was inspired by William Morris. Morris was the founder of the Art Nouveau Arts and Crafts Movement in England. Employed by the renaissance of decorative arts, Morris studied medieval architecture at Oxford. I tried to follow Morris’s feel of emotional and mythical drawings. He was in touch with his country-garden nature side and much of this showed in his art. Morris’s romantic attachment to forests, gardens, flowers and birds has inspired artists for a century.  I as a result decided to draw leaves, to keep the idea of a mythical garden. The audience of this piece is towards anyone who enjoys the ‘mystic’ approach to art. In renaissance times this was perceived as very typical to have the decorated lettering and borders. It serves as a piece of art around the writing, which also a form of art at the time as it took hours of fine craftsmanship to produce the quality of work. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful work Kelsey, however, the assignment was to create a layout design inspired by the original Renaissance Period 1450-1660.
    William Morris was creating work in the mid to late 1800's.
    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed your post:-)
